Welcome to the showcase! Here you'll find all the completed sites on offer here at the Norvrandt.org network. Why not take a visit? If you're looking for those sites that are less than complete or still in the conceptual stage, be sure to visit upcoming sites before you go! tales of loss and fire and faith

Opened: 22nd December 2016
     Directive: Network domain
Farron was bought in order to host Norvrandt, and all my other network creations, when I moved providers to Namecheap. It was a spur of the moment kind of thing, and I have no long term plans for it. Farron's highlight is a functional list of exits and a flashy index page, and is home to my Serah tribute.

Opened: 19th May 2014
     Directive: Final Fantasy / Square Enix domain
Named for the Cie'th and the l'Cie legends of Fabula Nova Crystallis. Over the years, I became deeply attached to Square's flagship series, and it was that thought that started the dangerous, idle brainstorming that often leads to a new fandom domain. At the time I still owned Fractured, I was letting go of my Kingdom Hearts domain, and Final Fantasy XIII was (and still is) my favourite, so it was a logical step. As it happens I now have two Final Fantasy XIII themed names, and all of them are now Final Fantasy related, but that's just how it goes sometimes. Once purchased, I turned everything around on Cieth in three days: the quickest turn around I've ever had conceptually. Currently, it's the location of all my Square Enix related fanlistings, several FF game specific subdomains, and home to my Kairi tribute.

Jane Doe
Opened: 12th January 2005
     Directive: Fanlisting collective
My showcase for my owned fanlistings - my joined fanlistings have their own subdomain. Throughout my time online, my collective was hosted by a large variety of people before it finally settled here on my own domain. Jane Doe has gone through numerous name changes, and it's my oldest active site. Though my interest in fanlistings comes and goes, it'll remain a staple for the rest of my webmistress career.

Opened: 1st August 2013
     Directive: Kairi tribute
A tribute to Kairi from Kingdom Hearts. I'll defend Kairi forever, and that's really why this tribute defied all odds of my bad track record with completion and later, reams of neglect... although it is once again incredibly outdaded. I love Kairi's plight, I love her past and her story, and her endless potential. She has so much, and I can only hope that one day the series fully utilises it, as Kairi's inner strength is marvellous, and I can relate more to the girl who waits and puts her faith in the people she loves coming home. This site is in need of a clean-up with the advent of KH3 as well as some minor/major rewrites, which will occur sometime in the next decade. (I'm kidding. Possibly.) My interest in Kingdom Hearts has heavily waned somewhat after what happened to Kairi in KH3, but I did make a layout several years back for a then planned rehaul, so perhaps I will one day salvage it.

Opened: 23rd December 2016
     Directive: Serah Farron tribute
A tribute to Serah from Final Fantasy XIII. Would you look at that, I actually finished something! Serah was in and out of development for years, but it wasn't until I was approved for her fanlisting in 2016 that I settled down, wrote an outline, and persevered. After a very successful Nanowrimo, I channelled my writing vigour into finishing off Serah's tribute at last. Serah is the one, my absolute favourite of any and every heroine; my favourite part of this site was writing about Serah's journey as a character, as even though she goes from NPC to protagonist and back again, there would be no Lightning saga without her. (I love her so, so so so much.) This site is static, revised, and good to go!

Pick a God and Pray
Opened: 16th February 2017
     Directive: Fire Emblem series tribute

A personal, series wide love letter to Fire Emblem. This was my blue sky tribute, one I thought would be impossible, because there was always so much to cover and I had no idea where to begin, nor end. Then I realised I didn't have to talk about everything, and could just focus on me, and my personal journey, as a long time fan of this series (2004 and Blazing Sword, represent! That in itself is a nice throwback to when I started sitemaking). It's a very opinionated, relaxed approach in comparison to what I've made before, and perfect for what I wanted to cover. This site has not been touched since opening, and I'm not into Fire Emblem as much as I once was - too many consecutive games I didn't like - and honestly that's fine; realistically I wrote a twenty thousand word essay about what was one of my formative experiences, and it doesn't really need to be changed. In that respect, you can consider this tribute static.